Two women smile together; one holds a plaque. A banner reads, “Facilitating acts of kindness for families facing difficult times,” noting the Geeveston Care Group as the 2020 Community Group of the Year Award recipient. An Australian flag is visible.

It’s coming up to that time of year again where we shine a light on the wonderful and inspiring actions of our Huon Valley citizens.

Applications are open for Huon Valley Council 2022 Australia Day Awards and residents are invited to nominate people and community groups who have made or who are making a positive difference in the community.

A lot of people in the Valley have made outstanding contributions to the community and the Awards allow their achievements to be both recognised and celebrated.

All nominees should display belief in the following qualities:

  • Strong community values
  • Demonstrated contribution and support to the Huon Valley community
  • An inspirational role model to the community.

You can nominate someone who you consider outstanding in the following categories:

Citizen of the Year:

The nominee has made an outstanding contribution to the Huon Valley community and demonstrated the qualities listed above.

Young Citizen of the Year:

The recipient must demonstrate the same strong values as the Citizen of the Year.  Nominees for this award must be under 27 years of age on the 26 January 2020.

Community Event or Group of the Year:

Your event or group must have made an outstanding contribution to the wellbeing of the Huon Valley community (social, environmental, business, arts and cultural).  Nominations for this category must have been hosted within the Huon Valley municipal area during 2021.  The event or group must have displayed a commitment to community involvement and has demonstrated a community benefit.

Sports Awards:

Nominees will have supported, played, promoted or encouraged sporting activities within the Huon Valley during 2019.


Applications Close            25 October 2021

For more information regarding nominations or the Australia Day event, please contact Council’s Community Engagement Officer on 6264 0300.

You can download a form or pick up a hard copy from Customer Service Office.

Once complete, please email to