The achievements for 2018-2022 include:

The greatest achievement of the council, however, Acting Mayor Sally Doyle said, was the support provided to and within the community during the bushfires and the pandemic.

Acting Mayor Doyle thanked all the outgoing councillors for their dedication and commitment to the community and wished all new councillors well.

“We hope to see the Huon Valley go from

In the first couple of months as Councillors, we endorsed the new Community Engagement Framework and Governance Framework and placed a hold on all sales of the Land Strategy.

In January and February of 2019 many of our staff were diverted away from delivering Council services to respond to the bushfires, leaving a reduced number of staff on the front line. These were very challenging times for the entire community and our local businesses, and at Council we were grateful to you, our community, for your patience during the four week period of the fires. We also acknowledge and thank our Council staff, volunteer fire fighters, and emergency services teams including the State Emergency Service (SES) for the significant work and long hours they put in to protect the lives of our people and our properties.

Our dedicated staff worked tirelessly to make sure our evacuation centre ran successfully to provide essential care during the worst of the bushfires, and as a result we received the Partnerships and Collaboration Award as part of the Local Government Professionals Tasmania’s Tasmanian Regional Awards program, as well as the Inspirational Leadership Award for Local Government in the International Women’s Day Awards of Excellence.

In the event of disaster, we see people from all areas of our community come together to support each other. It is the goodwill of community members, businesses, and not-for-profit agencies, and support from all levels of government that sees us through the hard times.