
Men’s Table

Join us for the launch in Cygnet.

Join us for the launch of the Men’s Table in Cygnet to get some food in your belly and stuff off your chest.

The Men’s Table is a not for profit, promoting safe places for diverse men to connect and have quality conversations about their lives and wellbeing.

This Entree event is a chance to meet other men, and to learn about how a Table works which will you decide whether you’d like to be part of a local Men’s Table.

This Entree will establish a new Men’s Table in Cygnet.

It will be hosted by a long-standing member of other Men’s Tables, who will share their experiences from their Table, and responding to your questions, concerns and ideas.

Here is a link to the website to find out more.


For more information, contact:

David – 0412 126 006

Bookings Online HERE


Event details



Time to

Event location


The Commerical Hotel Cygnet
Map of location