Huon Valley Hub Exhibition Space

The Huon Valley Hub is a space for the community to enjoy and see exhibitions by local artists. You can find the Huon Valley Hub at 23 Main Street in Huonville, and it is open on weekdays from 10am-4pm.

Artist Deb Cobern with Gus and her artwork 'Leafy Sea Dragon'

Artist Deb Cobern with Gus and her artwork ‘Leafy Sea Dragon’

The Hub provides exhibition wall space as well as two glass display cabinets to promote professional and emerging artists, and community arts and culture projects in the Huon Valley.

Do you have an idea but don’t know where to start or what your options are? Contact the Arts and Culture officer on 6264 0300 to have a chat.

The minimum amount of time to hire the Huon Valley Hub exhibition space is one month.

The Huon Valley Hub exhibition space is fully booked for 2024.

If you are ready and have an exhibition in mind for 2025, please fill out an Expression of Interest form and email it to You also need to read the Conditions of Hire which explains what you can and can’t do in the Huon Valley Hub. In this document you will also find the dimensions and photos of the space.

If you have questions or need assistance with the application process, contact the Arts & Culture Officer at or call 6264 0300.

Please email completed applications to