Cover of the Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan from December 2022. It features colorful Indigenous Australian dot art patterns in blue, green, red, and white. The background is a subtle gray with similar dot patterns.
The Huon Valley Council Draft Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan is open now for public review and comment. This follows an extensive and significant engagement process between the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, Reconciliation Tasmania and the Council.
Ways to Have Your Say:
– On our website at
– At our Customer Service Centre (40 Main Street, Huonville)
– A face-to-face session with the Council’s Community Engagement Officer and Council’s Arts & Culture Officer, Monday 13th September from 2-4pm at the Huon Valley Hub
A Reconciliation Action Plan is a formal statement of commitment to promoting reconciliation between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.