A truck with a blue container labeled ART BOX drives over a stone bridge with three arches. The bridge is reflected in the water below. The sky is cloudy, and power lines are visible above.

Our mobile art gallery will be returning south soon after taking centre stage in Launceston’s Civic Square. ARTBOX travelled up north a month ago to take part in Flow, an art exhibition that celebrates the waterways of Launceston and the Huon Valley.

The exhibition features the work of 10 artists – five from each region – each drawing inspiration from the waterways and rivers of their respective region.

The Huon Valley artists include Andrew Halford, Deborah Wace, Eden Meure, Michael Schlitz and Nataša Milenović while Launceston features works from Joanne Faulkner, Louise Daniels, Sarah Rhodes, Emma Magnusson-Reid and Bianca Templar. Curators are Dr Helen Whitty and Zara Sully.

Tomorrow marks the closing of the exhibition and we are holding a special event to celebrate its success and the collaboration between the Huon Valley Council, the City of Launceston and Launceston based art gallery, Sawtooth ARI.

Come along to the Huon Valley Hub in Huonville tomorrow from 3pm to 5pm. Please contact Miranda Wagerman 6264 0300 or hvc@huonvalley.tas.gov.au to RSVP.

Check out the entire exhibition on our Virtual Gallery

Flow was made possible by the Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia.

Photo: Mick Lowenstein