A hand-drawn illustration of a rustic cabin with a chimney, surrounded by green fields and trees. A winding path leads to a mountain range in the background, capped with snow. The scene evokes a peaceful, rural landscape.

Help us create the Huon Valley Community Vision.

The community vision will be our guiding document for the growth and development of the Huon Valley region over the next 10 to 15 years.

Once developed, it will inform future priorities and strategic decisions and play an important role in the development of council plans and strategies. It is also a document for the community to use when they are faced with decisions and writing up plans and strategies.

The Community Vision is for everyone.

We are about to undertake a comprehensive community engagement process to create the vision and we are eager to capture the hopes, aspirations, values, and priorities from as many residents as possible.

Through community workshops and drop-in sessions, we’ll be seeking to find out what is important to you and what it is you value.

The first engagement activity will be conducted at the Huon Show tomorrow. If you’re heading to the show, please look out for the Huon Valley Council stall and come and have a chat.

Further engagement activities will be conducted with the broader community between now and February 2023. We are still finalising the dates and locations of the community workshops. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates as well as our Have Your Say page.

In the meantime, you can participate in our short survey and tell us what your vision is for the Houn Valley.

Click here to complete the survey.