In declaring a Climate Change Emergency (13.001/23), the Huon Valley Council acknowledges that climate change is one of the most significant issues facing the Huon Valley, will cause unavoidable impacts across all facets of the municipality, and requires urgent comprehensive action across council business units, community sectors, and levels of government.

Read the Declaration Text

Councillors motion that:

  • The Huon Valley Council declare a Climate Change Emergency and commits it will strategically respond to this.
  • Acknowledges that this requires urgent action from all levels of government including local government.
  • Commits to working with all levels of government, community, business, and experts in taking actions on Climate Change, including mitigation and adaptation initiatives.
  • Acknowledges that the unavoidable and significantly varied impacts of Climate Change pose an immediate threat to the social, economic, and environmental viability of the municipality, including through but not limited to, the effects of extreme weather events.
  • Agrees to take into consideration the impacts of Climate Change in all current and forthcoming strategies, policies, and work plans.
  • The Huon Valley Council re-establishes the Community Climate Change Advisory Group, to provide Council with specific advice on actions Council can take within its direct operations and community to reduce the impacts of climate change within the municipality, adapt to the changing climate, and mitigate the impacts on the municipality.
  • Discusses and agrees terms of reference for the Advisory Group at the April 2023 ordinary meeting of Council.
  • Receives a report from the CEO on the Council’s current activities to address Climate Change at the next ordinary meeting of Council in February 2023, with specific reference to Huon Valley Council’s Climate Strategy Part A (mitigation) and a summary of budget allocation.
  • That a report on Council’s actions on Climate Change be included in the Council’s annual reports that follow this motion.
  • The CEO provides Council with an overview of built infrastructure that requires modification and improvement to meet current and future Climate Change risks.
  • The General Manager coordinates a feasibility study to install solar and energy efficient technology on Council owned buildings.
  • The CEO coordinates a feasibility study to consider Council delivering a community solar bulk buy scheme.
  • The Council works toward increased bush fire resilience by supporting effective land use planning and specific strategies such as bushfire planning, managing fire breaks and indigenous cultural burning practices through our NRM responsibilities.
  • That Council in its budget planning cycle this year gives strong consideration to prioritise funds to appoint a Climate Change Officer and to produce Part B (adaptation) of the Huon Valley Council’s Strategy Plan in the 2023/24 Financial Year and to complete other tasks as an outcome of this motion.

Councillors Doyle, Thorpe, Gibson, Armstrong, O’Neill, Jessop, Temby, Cambers-Smith and Burgess voted for the motion. No councillors voted against the motion.

Achieving our Declaration Goals

Climate Change Officer

In declaring a climate emergency, Council directly influenced the hiring of a dedicated Climate Change Officer who aims to develop and implement climate change adaptation and mitigation programs across Council operations and for the community. In doing so, the Officer allows Council to identify and manage environmental and economic risks exacerbated by climate change.

The Officer’s primary objectives are to:

  • Improve Council’s capacity to identify and respond to climate change risks.
  • Improve Council’s capacity to measure and report on our climate impact.
  • Ensure that future policies, strategies and plans consider and incorporate future climate change.
  • Provide clear climate change communication and education to internal and external stakeholders.
The Officer’s main responsibilities are to:
  • Lead climate change risk assessment as part of Councils Risk Management Policy and Framework.
  • Lead climate change vulnerability assessments of public assets.
  • Develop, implement, and report on climate change adaptation and mitigation programs and projects across council operations.
  • Coordinate the communication of climate change actions and reporting to all stakeholders, including delivery of corporate greenhouse gas emissions and energy use reporting.
  • Support community-led climate change programs.
  • Support colleagues to incorporate climate change as a consideration within all new Council policies and strategies.
  • Support colleagues to identify and act on resilience and climate change vulnerabilities.
  • Undertake project management, investigations, and emergency work in collaboration with other teams across Council.
  • Work with the Emergency Services Coordinator and Works Manager to improve community and civil infrastructure resilience.
  • Manage contractors engaged to undertake works and services relevant to role.
  • Provide climate change input into strategic, policy and operational decisions.
  • Maintain awareness of developments in climate science.
Council’s Climate Change Strategy

In order to accomplish Council’s commitments in the Emergency Declaration and activate the responsibilities set forth in the position description above, the Climate Change Officer has led the development of Council’s Climate Change Strategy (CCS). The CCS focuses on Council’s corporate risk, meaning the risks facing Council assets, services, and employees. Additionally, the Strategy is linked directly with the Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan (CFRP).

To find out more, visit the Mitigating our Emissions and Adaptation to Risks pages.