Safeguarding Children & Young People

Tasmania’s Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework (the Framework) is a law to keep children and youth, physically and culturally safe in organisations. The Framework is established under the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023.  The Framework includes the Child and Youth Safe Standards, the Reportable Conduct Scheme, information sharing provisions and the Independent Regulator.

Council’s Safeguarding Children and Youth Policy defines Council’s commitment, responsibilities and approach toward the safeguarding of children and young people through our operations.  

Huon Valley Council Child Safe Statement of Commitment

  • We are committed to being a Child Safe Organisation, to protecting Children and Youth and promoting their safety within our organisation and the Huon Valley community.
  • We have zero tolerance to child abuse and harm. We are obligated to prioritise the safety of the Children and Youth who interact with Council Workers and where Children and Youth are present in Council Facilities and supervised by Council Workers in the performance of their role and to ensure we have processes in place to report Reportable Conduct.
  • We will comply with the Universal Principle of the right to cultural safety and the mandatory Child and Youth Safe Standards in the performance of our local government functions and service to the Huon Valley community.
  • We recognise the importance of the safety of Children and Youth in the provision of quality community services by Council.  All Children and Youth who attend services, programs, events at Council Facilities (including online environments) that are delivered, owned, contracted, or managed by Council and supervised by Council Workers have the right to feel safe, be safe, and be respected.


The Office of the Independent Regulator oversees Tasmanian organisations required to comply with the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework.

Further information and resources for organisations, parents & carers and children and young people can be found at the Office of the Independent Regulator website