Current Status

24 January 2025: Work is nearing completion at the playground! The main play area features a new 8-metre tower, with all-access matting being installed to connect the equipment. The swings in the smaller area will be replaced in the coming weeks and shade sails installed over the picnic tables. Full completion is expected by the end of February, and we're looking forward to celebrating with a community sausage sizzle in March.


Several elements of the playground equipment are due for renewal and will be upgraded as part of Council’s asset renewal program (replacement of an existing asset to equivalent capacity or performance capability). These elements include the timber boat., swing sets and other equipment.

Located in Cygnet, Burtons Reserve is a popular recreation area offering a range of facilities to the community.

Progress pictures – 16 December 2024


Due to the contractor’s early availability, work on the Burtons Reserve Playground commenced on 6 November 2024.

Following the Council Report 18.005/24 Council has been working on plans for the upgrade to the playground.

This playground will feature large and small slide, a fully accessible ramp, accessible path and lots of interactive play with sea theme.

In listening to the community, the shade sail will be placed over the picnic tables which are located next to the playground. This will provide much needed shade for parents watching their children play.