As part of the Burtons Reserve Master Plan, Council is installing a children’s track.

Project Background

The Burtons Reserve Master Plan was approved by Council in 2017 and as part of the plan a bike track was included. Council has secured grant funding for this project, and are now gathering input from the community about which design they prefer.

The approved design for the new Burtons Reserve Bike Track:

The Council Report and Summary of Community Engagement was received and noted at the Ordinary Council Meeting 27 July 2022 with the following recommendation;

a) The Report on the Community Engagement Summary Report on Burtons Reserve Bike Track , Charlton Street, Cygnet be received and noted.

b) Council approves the installation of Option 1 as the preferred design option for the Burtons Reserve Bike Track, and the increase in funding for depreciation and maintenance for the new asset in the 2023/2024 Budget of $7,000.

c) Council allocates $15,000 from the Public Open Space fund for the implementation of the project.

The above allocation is additional to the $50,000 commitment from the 2021 State Election.

The Project Team will now commence with this project.