Developing a vision for the Huon Valley
The Huon Valley Community Vision is a guiding document for the growth and development of the Huon Valley region over the next 10 to 15 years. Once developed, it will inform future priorities and strategic decisions and play an important role in the development of Council plans and strategies.
How we got here
To create the Community Vision Council has undertaken a comprehensive community engagement process between November 2022 and March 2023.
Community Vision Statement
We are a diverse, productive and welcoming community with strong connections to the environment.
We will continue to protect and promote the unique opportunities the Huon Valley provides including local produce, creativity, and access to the Huon River.
As the community grows, we will continue to strengthen connectivity, employment, and education, while balancing the opportunities for a rural lifestyle.
Community Vision Themes

Following the first round of engagement, the consultants drafted a ‘Draft Community Vision Statement’ and we checked back in with the community to ake sure we heard your thoughts on the Vision for the Huon Valley.
The Draft Community Vision Statement:
“We are a creative, productive and welcoming community nourished by the food we grow, our connections with each other, the natural beauty of the landscape and the unique opportunities the Huon Valley provides.”
Resonance hosted community workshops in Dover, Cygnet, Huonville, Franklin and Geeveston. Follow the link for each town to view the feedback from the workshop.
Dover and Far South
HVC Wshop Notes Community Dover 31.1.23.pdf
Cygnet and surrounds
HVC Wshop Notes Cygnet .pdf
Huonville and surrounds
HVC Wshop Notes Huonville 4.2.23.pdf
Franklin and surrounds
HVC Wshop Notes Franklin 14.2.23.pdf
Geeveston and surrounds
HVC Wshop Notes Geeveston17.2.23.pdf
Council facilitated 3 workshops with staff, 2 for office-based staff and 1 for depot-based staff. The workshops ran similarly to the community and school workshops, staff were asked the same questions within the same workshop structure.
It is worth noting that many of the values and concerns raised by staff were reflected in the responses from the community and school groups.
You can view the findings for each session below.
Office Staff – morning workshop
Council advertised and invitation to the community to attend one of four coffee and chat sessions as an opportunity to manually fill in the 4-minute survey.
The locations were in Huonville, Geeveston, Dover and Cygnet.
The results have been included in the overall survey responses and statistics.
Council officers held a stall at several community markets throughout the consultation period. The markets provided an opportunity for staff to engage with residents through one-on-one conversations and to distribute the 4-minute survey. These locations included Geeveston Fest, Judbury Market, Port Huon Crop Swap, Southport, Franklin Market and Cygnet Market.
A total of 71 4-minute surveys were filled in across the markets. The results have been included in the overall survey responses and statistics.
In December 2022 students from Huon Valley schools attended a vision workshop.
Hear their thoughts on the Huon Valley in this video.
Council conducted one (1) pop-up session at Mountain River Hall on Saturday 18 February 2023. Approximately 10 people attended during the three hours along with two Councillors and two staff.
The results have been included in the overall survey responses and statistics.