Current Status

Status Update – Cygnet Town Hall Consultation Report Council is currently conducting a review of all community halls Huon Valley Community Halls Review and will complete the hall review prior to releasing the findings of the Cygnet Town Hall review.

Council have teamed up with SGS Economics & Planning to engage with the community on the Cygnet Town Hall. We are currently exploring options for the future management, vision and purpose for the Cygnet Town Hall.


Built in 1913, the Cygnet Town Hall has been the heart of social life in the Cygnet Community since its construction. Over the years it has hosted balls and dances, cinema, markets, festivals, exhibitions, plays, concerts, classes and workshops. 

The versatility of the hall ensures that events, both small and big, are held regularly. Regular long term uses include yoga, TSO concerts, Cygnet Folk Festival art groups as well as the monthly Cygnet Markets. 

The main hall has a capacity of 240 people and upstairs, the supper room has a capacity of 60 people. In 2022, a lift was installed to improve access to the super room. 

The Cygnet Town Hall is listed under the Tasmanian Heritage Register (ID 7156) and is described as the following.  

“This building is of historic heritage significance because of its: 

  • ability to demonstrate the principal characteristics of a two-storey brick Federation Free Style municipal building,  
  • townscape associations are regarded as important to the community’s sense of place, and 
  • associations with local civic leaders, who conducted their civic duties from the building.


Southern Business Pty Ltd (publishers of the Classifieds community newspaper) currently manage the Cygnet Town Hall under a lease arrangement with Council. They are responsible for user bookings and all day-to-day running and minor maintenance costs. Council provides an annual allocation of funds to contribute towards the day-to-day operational costs of the hall. A percentage of hall income is retained by the management body and the remainder contributes to operational costs and improvements.  

Council is responsible for maintaining the asset and larger maintenance items such as lighting, painting, roofing etc.  


This engagement will involve a number of steps to enable Council to collaborate with the community along the way. 

This process will involve: 

  • Survey – the survey will be open for 4 weeks. 
  • Community workshops – SGS will facilitate interactive community workshops. 
  • Cygnet Markets – council will attend Cygnet Markets to chat with the community. 
  • Public exhibition – present the findings from the first survey and workshops to the community and engage the community on the themes and proposed actions. 
  • Council Meeting – following the community engagement a Council Report will be presented at a Council Meeting with recommendations. 

Council is seeking community feedback on the Cygnet Town Hall Consultation Report


The first round of consultation has been completed and the findings are under review with the consultant.