
This inform post is provided as a project update. Council is now revisiting the scope prior to presenting feasible, costed options for community consultation.


Between July 2003 and 2010 Huon Valley Council worked with stakeholders to develop a Cygnet Township Plan which was endorsed at the Ordinary Council Meeting September 2010.

The plan noted the key issue was that “…the Mary Street carriageway is reasonably narrow, particularly for heavy vehicles to pass one another, this is exacerbated by roadside parking provisions.” and it was recommended that; “realignment of the rear access road reserve on the eastern side of Mary Street with the view to having the northern access adjacent to the BP service station. This includes recommendations for enhancement of the new road with landscaping, furniture and public art, and opportunities to consider environmental design to support drainage”. 

A Secondary issue also noted is “… A need for walking trails to provide connectivity throughout the town.” and it was recommended that there was “…potential for the development of a shared trail within the road reserve and in the longer term a trail link to Agnes Rivulet and circuit along the rivulet (Council currently owns a section on the southern part of Agnes Rivulet)”

Current status

The plan became a ‘Priority Project’ and secured $5m in state funding as part of a 2021 election commitment. A project plan and risk assessment subsequently undertaken for the project has determined the $5 million received in state grant funding is insufficient and the scope has flaws which will not deliver the primary objective of reducing Mary Street traffic and pedestrian issues.

A risk assessment and proposal to revisit the scope was workshopped with Councillors and officers are now developing feasible, costed options for future community consultation.