Boat ramp and jetty

Dover’s boat ramp and jetty are situated on Bay View Road, Dover, and are used daily by local and visiting boat owners. This ramp is the only boat launching facility in the area and it is an important community asset. During peak holiday times usage is high and there is not enough space for manoeuvring vehicles/trailers, which creates congestion.

Council has been working in close consultation with Marine and Safety Tasmania to develop plans to upgrade the site. Funding has been secured to undertake the work by Marine and Safety Tasmania.

The upgraded site will improve offerings for our local marine enthusiasts as well as travellers and includes a new jetty and second boat ramp. The addition of a second boat ramp with the new jetty will alleviate the current congestion and allow more use of the area.

Marine and Safety Tasmania will undertake the work in three stages.

Stage 1: Gravel area extension – completed

Stage 2: Second concrete boat ramp
Stage 3: New jetty

You can view these plans in the Document Library.

Traffic flow and parking

To free up the manoeuvring space at the boat ramp site, improve traffic flow and formalise the parking, council will undertake upgrade works. These works will include the installation of a roundabout at the intersection of Station Road and Bay View Road. To improve traffic flow, council will also formalise of the car parking spaces for vehicles and trailers.

Council has secured funding through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program to complete these works which will improve traffic flow and safety for the community.

You can view the parking plan in the Document Library.