
In November 2022, Council began the process of creating a Community Vision. The purpose of the Community Vision was to identify the community’s main priorities and future aspirations for a period of 10 to 15 years. 

Extensive engagement was held with the community over the period December 2022 and February 2023, to understand: 

  • What the community valued most in the Huon Valley;
  • What the community perceived were the biggest challenges for the Huon Valley; and
  • What improvements could be made to achieve the community’s Vision for the Huon Valley.

Following these engagements, the responses from the community were analysed. This analysis identified recurring themes from the responses and guided the development of the collective Community Vision for the Huon Valley. In May 2023 the Huon Valley Community Vision was received by Council.  The Community Vision including a vision statement supported by ten themes can be found HERE

The Community Vision is the highest-level plan that Council facilitates and prepares on behalf of the community. 

Strategic Plan 2024-2034

Council responds to the Community Vision by developing its own Strategic Plan covering a period of 10 years. The Strategic Plan is then implemented through the development of a 4-year Term Plan aligned to the 4-year Councillor term of office. This Term Plan will guide the development of Annual Plans and Budgets over each of the 4 years of the Councillor period, at the end of which the Strategic Plan and Term Plan will be reviewed.  

The Strategic Plan will also inform the development of the Long-term Financial Management Plan (LTFP) and Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP), and other required resources plans and policies of Council.