Over the last 2 years extensive research, analysis, and engagement into the future role, functions, and design of Tasmania’s system of local government has been conducted.

The Local Government Board handed the Minister for Local Government, Hon. Nic Street MP, the Final Report of the Future of Local Government Review on 17 November 2023.

In the Report, the Board makes 37 recommendations on how the current system needs to change so that councils can meet the challenges and opportunities communities will face in the next 20-30 years.

The Minister is now carrying out a final round of consultation with councils and the community. Your feedback will help the Tasmanian Government decide whether to make the changes recommended by this independent Board.

Some of the key recommendations in the Report include:

  1. Redefining the role of local government to focus on community wellbeing;
  2. Exploring voluntary council amalgamation in five areas initially:
    1. West Coast, Waratah-Wynyard and Circular Head Councils;
    2. Kentish and Latrobe Councils;
    3. Break O’Day, Glamorgan-Spring Bay and Sorell Councils;
    4. City of Hobart and Glenorchy City Councils;
    5. Kingborough and Huon Valley Councils.
  3. Requiring all councils to migrate to a common IT system over time, and share their key professional staff, such as environmental health officers;
  4. Providing an ongoing professional development program for all councillors; and
  5. Ensuring council rate notices provide more useful information that improves public transparency, accountability, and confidence in council financial management decisions.

Mayor Sally Doyle:

“Huon Valley Council welcomes the release of the Future of Local Government Review – Final Report. Council will consider the report and provide feedback for the 29th February 2024 submission deadline. The Huon Valley Council maintains its stated position to retain the special character of the Huon Valley by remaining an independent municipal area within our existing boundaries.”

Read the Summary Report here: FoLGR_Final_Report_Community_Summary_v.1.0.pdf

Read the Final Report here: The_Future_of_Local_Government_Review_-_Final_Report.pdf

Comments and submissions on the Final Report are due by 29 February 2024.

You can make your comments:
• By mail to Local Government Reform, GPO Box 123, Hobart, Australia 7001
• By email to lg.consultation@dpac.tas.gov.au
• Online at www.engage.futurelocal.tas.gov.au

Stage 3 commenced with the release of the Information Packs on 29 May 2023, in line with the nine Community Catchments Identified by the Board in its Stage 2 Interim Report. An extension of time has been granted for consultation on the third and final stage of the Future of Local Government Review, allowing more time for engagement from Councils and community. Engagement is expected to close on 02 August 2023.

Each Pack puts forward several different scenarios for new local government boundaries and service delivery models that could build scale and capability to improve services, while also better reflecting the way Tasmanians live and work within these communities.

The Huon Valley is in the “Southern Shore Consultation Group” along with Kingborough and Hobart City Councils.

Download the pack:

Southern Shore Community Catchment Information Pack (PDF)

Importantly, the Southern Shore Community Catchment Information Pack contains 3 scenarios for Future Council boundaries and structure (see below for full scenario descriptions):

  • Scenario 1 – Establishing two Council areas within the Southern Shores Community Catchment. The first consisting of the existing Huon Valley Council area and the second consisting of the existing Kingborough area minus Taroona (to be included within Hobart). This scenario recognises that while there are strong commuter links from both these areas into Hobart, the connections between the two areas, in terms of commuting and as service hubs, are less pronounced. Existing council service, administration, and works hubs could be maintained. 
  • Scenario 2 – Establishing one Council area. This scenario combines the existing Huon Valley and Kingborough Council areas. This scenario maximises scale capability potential for the Catchment, and having rural areas connected to significant regional commercial centres would enhance the financial sustainability of the new council. Existing council service, administration and works hubs could be maintained in Huonville and Kingston. 
  • Scenario 3 – Establishing one Council area. This scenario combines the Huon Valley and the majority of the Kingborough Council areas minus Taroona, urban Kingston and its surrounds (to be included within Hobart). It creates a council with more similar regional and rural communities of interest. Huonville would likely become the primary service centre for this council.

These scenarios are not the only options for reform. They are designed to prompt a discussion about some of the possible pathways available to deliver a more capable and sustainable system of local government. Communities and councils may have their own ideas about how local government could be better organised in their catchments. The Board welcomes alternative suggestions as part of the engagement process.


Ways to Have Your Say

What to consider

For each of the scenarios, the Board would like you to consider the four fundamental questions:

  1. What are the strengths?
  2. What are the weaknesses or challenges?
  3. Are there any adjustments that could be made to maximise the strengths and minimise the weaknesses?
  4. Are there any other entirely different scenarios the Board should consider, which would still deliver against the Board’s criteria and structural reform principles.

Feedback is requested by 2 August 2023.

Huon Valley Council Submission

Council issued Media Release 27 July 2023

The Minister for Local Government, Nic Street, has announced that there will be no forced amalgamations resulting from the Future of Local Government Review.

The Review will continue however, and submissions to the Review Board are still welcomed until 02 August 2023.

Once the Board hands over its final report on 31 October 2023, each Council will be invited to review the report and make a submission to the government about what they want for their Council area.

Any plans agreed by Councils will be taken to the community for a vote. There will be no changes unless both the Council and community want them.