The Huon Valley Council endorsed the New Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2022 – 2025 (previously known as the Huon Valley Waste Management Strategy)


In 2019/20, Council began working towards the development of a new waste management strategy for the region in response to growing community interest, increasing waste disposal costs and state and national waste management strategies and targets. The strategy development process involved understanding where we are now, where we want to be, and how are we going to get there.

Council staff and Resonance Consulting designed a two-step engagement process as part of the Waste Management Strategy development. The aim was to capture priorities and concerns from the community for consideration in the early stage and to provide the community with the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft strategy in the second stage.

Stage One

An Information Paper was provided to the community so that they could understand the current state of waste management alongside a public survey. Following this initial engagement and feedback from the community the draft strategy has been developed. View the Information Paper HERE

Stage Two

At the March Ordinary Council meeting the draft Huon Valley Council Waste Management Strategy was endorsed for final community engagement and feedback. You can view the Council Report HERE and the Draft Strategy HERE 

Following the March Council meeting, as part of the resolution the strategy as been amended to reflect the motion passed. you can view the amended version HERE

Final Strategy

At the June Ordinary Council meeting the draft Huon Valley Council Waste Management Strategy was presented and endorsed for implementation and authorised for final graphic design and publication.

You can view the Council Report HERE and the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2022 – 2025 HERE