The Local Provisions Schedule (LPS) has been drafted and is now being exhibited from 24 January to 31 May 2022 for public review and submissions (representations).

The representation period in now closed


Huon Valley Draft Local Provisions Schedule (LPS)

Following the introduction of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme (TPS), the Council (as planning authority) endorsed its draft Local Provisions Schedule (LPS) at a meeting in May 2019. An updated version of the proposed LPS was also endorsed at Council’s meeting in May 2021. You can find the Draft Local Provisions Schedule Supporting Report and all the Appendices here.

The draft LPS includes the proposed planning scheme provisions, maps and code overlays and will form part of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme when the LPS is completed and approved by the Tasmanian Planning Commission (Commission).

Exhibition of draft LPS and lodgement of representations

Following a direction from the Commission to Council and the granted extension period of 30 days, the draft LPS will now be exhibited from 24 January 2022 to 31 May 2022. This provides for a required 60 day exhibition period and the further 30 days.

During this time, we will be making the draft LPS available to the community to consider. Hard copies can be viewed at the Council’s Customer Service centre.

LPS Interactive Map

Click to view the interactive map in a new tab.

Useful Links

The exhibition documents and supporting documents will be able to be electronically viewed or downloaded and will include the draft local planning provisions, zoning and overlay maps of the Huon Valley Draft Local Provisions Schedule (Interactive Mapping)

You will be also able to view the documents at the following locations:

  • Customer Service Centre, 40 Main Street, Huonville
    Mon to Fri 8.20am to 5pm (hard copy and digital)
  • The Tasmanian Planning Commission, Level 3/144 Macquarie Street, Hobart
    Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm (from 24 January 2022)

Video One: Exhibition of Local Provisions Schedule

Video Two: How is zoning applied?

How to make a statutory representation and what to include and not include

During the above exhibition period, written representations (submissions) on the draft LPS will be able to be lodged with Council.

A representation in relation to content and merits of the draft LPS as contained in the written instrument and the zone and overlay maps can be made on whether:

  1. a provision of the draft LPS is inconsistent with a provision of the State Planning Provisions; or
  2. the draft LPS should, or should not, apply a provision of the State Planning Provisions to an area of land; or
  3. the draft LPS should, or should not, contain a provision in the nature of a Particular Purpose Zone, a Specific Area Plan, or a Site Specific Qualification that will add to, modify or substitute for the State Planning Provisions as they apply to land or part of land within the Huon Valley municipal area (Section 35E of the Act).

For noting:

  1. Any matter in your representation that does not relate to the content or merit of the draft LPS will not be able to be taken as part of a representation.
  2. For a submission to be considered a representation on the draft LPS it needs to be lodged during the exhibition period and not before or after the exhibition period. Therefore, please ensure it is lodged during the actual period of exhibition in order to be able to be considered as a representation.

Please visit the Tasmanian Planning Commission’s website  for further information about how to make a representation.

It is recommended you discuss your proposal with a planning consultant who may be able to assist with its preparation.

In order for a representation to be considered it must:

  • Be in writing.
  • Clearly identify the person or body who is making the representation, signed and dated by that person.
  • If an incorporated or non-incorporated body, include proof of authority or nomination to make representation on behalf of said body.
  • Contact details of the person making the representation.
  • Facts and reasons to explain your support for, or opposition to, all or any part of the draft LPS that relates to the content or merit of the draft LPS.

Consideration of representations

The Council will consider the representations that are received and provide a report to the Commission on those representations. The Commission will then consider all representations received in response to the draft LPS during the exhibition period, and conduct public hearings on the representations and other matters it is required to consider. Once hearings have concluded, the Commission will prepare a report to the Minister for Planning which includes the Commission’s recommendations.

Further information about the hearing process is on the Commission’s website.

Draft Local Provisions Schedule – Interactive Map

Commencement of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme within the Huon Valley

After the Commission has completed its consideration of the draft LPS, with the agreement of the Minister, it can then approve the LPS.  The LPS will come into effect on a date published in the Tasmanian Government Gazette by the Commission.

Once the LPS comes into effect it forms part of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme and establishes how the Tasmanian Planning Scheme will apply to land within the Huon Valley. The TPS will replace the current Huon Valley Interim Planning Scheme 2015 (Planning Scheme).

It is anticipated the TPS will apply during 2022 within the Huon Valley. The TPS will apply a different set of planning provisions to properties than those that apply under the current Planning Scheme.

Follow this step-by-step guide to find out how the Draft Huon Valley Local Provisions Schedule may affect you and your property and the places you care about:

STEP ONE: Find out how your property is zoned and what codes apply to your property under the draft Local Provisions Schedule. You can do this by looking at the Mapping Portal or you can view the exhibition documents with all the maps here.

STEP TWO: Once you know the zones/codes, find out what this means for your property or places you care about by looking at the Tasmanian Planning Scheme/State Planning Provisions

STEP THREE: If you would like to compare the new zone with what you currently have, have a look at the current Huon Valley Interim Planning Scheme

STEP FOUR: If you are satisfied with the zoning applied to your land you can either do nothing or communicate your satisfaction to Council.

STEP FIVE: If you are not satisfied, you will need to articulate what you do want and what you don’t want. You do this by writing a representation. Visit our Have Your Say page, scroll down to ‘How to make a statutory representation and what to include and not include’ for guidelines on how to do this.

STEP SIX: If you need help with making a representation engage an expert strategic planner to write your submission on your behalf (you can contact the Planning Institute of Australia – Tasmania branch to ask for a list of planners).

State Planning Provisions

The State Planning Provisions (SPPs) that form part of the TPS are designed to provide a consistent set of planning provisions for Tasmania. The TPS includes 23 zones and 16 codes that apply State-wide making up a suite of planning controls that are applied by local councils in their role as planning authorities under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (Act). The use table for each zone provides for what use and development can be carried out in relevant zones such as residential use, business and professional services, agricultural use and recreational uses.

The codes provide requirements for dealing with the use and development of land and may apply across a range of zones, covering matters such as natural hazards, local heritage values, natural assets, parking requirements and the protection of road, railway and electricity infrastructure.

Local Provisions Schedule

The Council, as planning authority, is responsible for preparing the draft LPS for the Huon Valley municipal area. The draft LPS includes zone and code provisions and overlay maps, local area objectives, particular purpose zones, specific area plans, site-specific qualifications, and other planning provisions in accordance with the Act, the SPPs, Guideline No.1 – Local Provisions Schedule Zone and Code Application and relevant Practice Notes issued by the Commission.

Both current provisions of the Act, and some former provisions of the Act that applied before 17 December 2015, apply to the draft LPS and its preparation and its content.

Structure and form of the LPS

The draft LPS is required to be in accordance with the structure and form set out in the Local Provisions Schedule Requirements (LP1.0) of the SPPs, Guideline No.1 – Local Provisions Schedule Zone and Code Application (Guideline No.1) and relevant Practice Notes issued by the Commission.