As part of its Land Strategy, Huon Valley Council is lodging planning applications for six subdivisions across multiple towns to establish formed roads from their bordering land lots and adjust boundaries.
By formalising road lots and land boundaries, the subdivisions will allow for future development possibilities and the creation of public open space.
You can locate the relevant page by searching by address:
- 187a Wilmot Road, Ranelagh
- 61 Station Road, Dover
- 27 Main Street, Huonville
- 58 Kent Street, Geeveston
- Scenic Hill Road, Huonville
- 14 George Street, Cygnet
Please note these are not land sales, and this announcement does not signal (or exclude) future development or disposal of land. Future development opportunities will be considered after Council completes its development of policy and procedure regarding the sale and disposal of land.
The subdivisions are in line with our Land Strategy and will ensure we are maximising use of land, obtaining a return on capital investment, and providing development opportunities and returns to the community.
Planning notification for the subdivisions will be released to the adjoining land owners and general public in the coming months. As the subdivisions are currently under application, no correspondence sent to Council will be counted as a submission to the development application. Those who wish to send a submission must wait until the development application is advertised.

187A Wilmot Road, Ranelagh
CT 169563/2
Description Vacant land adjoining Helen Street with access to kayak platform, and Esplanade where wastewater treatment lagoon is located.
Land Size 4.468 ha
Proposal Subdivide the lot to establish a road reservation (Lot 100) for the lower portion of Helen Street, and define public open space within the property (Lot 101).

61 Station Road, Dover
CT 72784/15
Description Vacant land
Land Size 0.0812 ha
Proposal Subdivide and establish a portion for the adjoining road which includes a constructed road over the current lot, creating a formal road title for Kent Beach Road.

27 Main Street, Huonville
CT 55312/4
Description Vacant land
Land Size 0.0502 ha
Proposal Establish a portion of land for public open space (Lot 100) and formalise the subdivision (Lot 1).

58 Kent Street, Geeveston
CT 33882/2
Description Former scout hall, old swimming pool and tennis court site, open paddock and dog exercise area, and Memorial Drive roadway.
Land Size 2.6 ha
Proposal A subdivision of the land to create a formal Memorial Drive Road title (Lot 100).

Scenic Hill Road, Huonville
CT 101823/1
Description Scenic Hill Road
Land Size 1.157 ha
Proposal Establish portions for the adjoining road (Lot 100), which includes a constructed road over the current lots.

14 George Street, Cygnet
CT 106267/3
Description Cygnet Medical Centre and vacant land
Land Size 2.467 ha
Proposal A subdivision of the land to create a formalised Cygnet Medical Centre title separate from ‘Old School Farm’ to allow for proper consideration of future potential development at the site. (This will not affect whether the sale of the Cygnet Medical Centre will proceed or not.)
This project is at various stages of completion with Titles issued or final plans at Land Titles Office.