Current Status

This survey is CLOSED and now under review.

Have Your Say on waste, including our existing services, potential extensions to kerbside collection routes and the introduction of green bins for Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO).

We acknowledge and appreciate the significant role our community plays in supporting our Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR) Strategy 2022-2025. Your input in this engagement will help shape sustainable waste solutions for the Huon Valley’s future.

Ways to Have Your Say
  • This survey is now CLOSED   

Ratepayers can also expect to receive information flyers in their mailboxes during the first week of December.


Council’s WARR Strategy outlines our strategic direction for waste management.  

The objectives of this strategy are to reduce waste generation, increase resource recovery, provide fair and efficient waste services, and reduce the environmental impacts of waste.  

One action in the WARR Strategy is to investigate extending the kerbside service routes, as well as the feasibility of offering food organics and garden organics (FOGO) bins.  

This project is of broad relevance to these objectives, with kerbside services providing the opportunity for a higher level of education and engagement on waste, as well as resulting in higher recycling rates and mitigating illegal dumping of rubbish in the environment or public bins. 

Community feedback has also indicated that there is a high appetite for kerbside waste services as opposed to self-haul to one of Councils three waste transfer stations.