What do you want for the future of your town? It’s time to get involved and make it happen!

Now’s the time to share your ideas for what you want to see and do in your town to make it a more active, connected and vibrant place.

We’ll be discussing this and how the community can help make it happen in 2021. One of the approaches is to form a Town Team – a group of local residents, landowners and businesses working together to improve their place.

There are already 54 teams around Australia, with opportunities for Town Teams to form in locations around the Valley in 2021!

The Town Team model brings businesses and residents together to share ideas and work collaboratively to improve their local area, with the support of the council.

The Town Team approach is inclusive, creative and fun, with opportunities to connect with town teams in neighbouring areas. You can read more about it on the Town Team Movement website.

Town Team Grants now open 

Council has approved as part of the 2021/2022 Community Grants Program funding for up to $1000 for Town Team projects.

Find out more about our quick response grant opportunities HERE