Main Street Huonville Car Park Redevelopment

The Huonville Main Street Car Park redevelopment is required due to the increasing demand in the Huonville shopping precinct and the need to provide appropriate off street parking for varying user types including mini buses, cars, caravans and recreational vehicles. In designing the facility the following elements were considered: Current Australia Standards. The need for additional…

Redevelopment of Huonville Soccer & Little Athletics Clubrooms

The Huon Valley Council has identified that the Huonville Soccer & Little Athletics clubrooms and the kiosk no longer meets Australia Standards. This redevelopment is funded under 2018/19 Capital Works Program under Asset Renewal. The design will deliver a clubroom structure with a kiosk, office and storeroom whilst utilising the pre-existing shelter for both clubs.…

Ranelagh Playground Public Toilet

The Ranelagh Playground refurbishment was in 2014.  With the increased utilisation of the new playground a need for a public toilet was identified. The Council allocated funding for the construction of a toilet to be built as part of the 2018/19 Capital Works Program. The project will see the construction of an accessible unisex public…

Dover Kiln Redevelopment

Following Community consultation the Council endorsed a final design for implementation at the 19 July 2017 Council Meeting. Feedback from the community chose Design B (double roof) as the preferred option. You can see the summary of the consultation information here. STATUS UPDATE JUNE 2019: Work has now been completed and interpretative panels have been ordered. …

Dover Foreshore Consultation – Esplanade Road

In 2008 Inspiring Place consultants were commissioned to prepare a Master Plan for the Dover Foreshore. A number of components of the Master Plan had been completed with the closure of the Esplanade Road, one of the last remaining actions. At the Huon Valley Council Dover Community Information Session held in March 2018, requests were…

Esperance Coast Road, Surveyors Bay Request For Speed Reduction

Council has received three requests to reinstate 40 km/h speed signs at the settlement of Little Roaring Beach and one request to review the default speed limit on Esperance Coast Road which is 100 km/h. Investigations with Department of State Growth indicate 40 km/h speed signs were not installed at Little Roaring Beach. There is…