Huon Valley Aquatic Facilities Review

A review of the Port Huon Sports and Aquatic Centre and the Huonville Swimming Pool to ensure that all services offered are of high quality, responsive to community needs and delivered responsibly and efficiently. As part of this process, we invited current patrons, key stakeholders and user groups as well as the broader community to…

Living in the Huon Valley

Living in the Huon Valley is an independent survey designed to better understand what our residents believe makes somewhere a good place to live and how well they feel that their local area is delivering. This activity is part of the initial phase in the development of Council’s new Community Vision and our long term…

General Manager Appointment

The Huon Valley Council undertook steps to find its new General Manager when Mr Emilio Reale resigned in March this year. Mr Reale had spent four years in the role. In order to find the best candidate for the position a national recruitment process was initiated. Business consulting firm Red Giant was appointed to assist…

Cygnet Town Hall Lift Project

Council received funding through the second phase Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program. Council had  identified the Cygnet Town Hall lift project as a project that would benefit the community. The lift will make it easier for people of all ages and abilities to come to events held upstairs, such as exhibitions…

Geeveston Town Hall Controlling Authority – Draft Strategic Plan

The Geeveston Town Hall Controlling Authority has developed a Draft Strategic Plan and is seeking public feedback. Background The strategic plan has been developed from a stakeholder survey completed in January 2022, and a planning meeting of the Geeveston Town Hall Authority in March 2022. Feedback has then been sought from a meeting with people…


Huon Valley Council (acting as a Planning Authority) has initiated a combined permit and amendment to the Huon Valley Interim Planning Scheme 2015. The Draft Amendment (PSA-1/2022) being initiated is to rezone land at 388 Scotts Road, Cairns Bay from Significant Agricultural to Rural Resource under the planning scheme. The Draft Planning Permit (DA-14/2022) is…