Town Team Movement

What do you want for the future of your town? It’s time to get involved and make it happen! Now’s the time to share your ideas for what you want to see and do in your town to make it a more active, connected and vibrant place. We’ll be discussing this and how the community…

2020-21 Draft Annual Report – Submissions Open

We are pleased to release the Draft Huon Valley Council Annual Report 2020-21 for inspection and feedback by the community.  The report summarises the implementation of the 2020–21 Annual Plan and details our achievements, activities and financial performance for the year. The Draft Annual Report 2020-21 will be discussed when the report is presented at…

Huon Lawn Cemetery Public Toilet Upgrade

Council has identified that the public toilet located within the Huon Lawn Cemetery on Glen Huon Road is in need of an upgrade and has allocated $80,000 from the 2020/2021 Asset Renewal Budget. Works have commenced on the demolition of the existing facility and replacing with two all-accessible public facilities.   Completed facilities at the…

Huon Valley Council Land Strategy

Huon Valley Council’s assets include a wide range of physical spaces, infrastructure and machinery, such as parks, roads, walking tracks and vehicles. To ensure that assets such as land and buildings are owned for a clear purpose, the Council developed a Land Strategy in 2017. Key points: Council currently owns 179 land titles, covering 844.9…

Huon Highway Corridor Study – Kingston to Soutport

The Tasmanian Government Huon Highway Corridor Study will investigate the future transport demand that is likely in the next 30 years and identify opportunities to improve the Huon Highway along the corridor. The aim is to make the road safer, more consistent and more efficient. The feedback period is now closed.

Geeveston Town Hall Lift Project

Council received funding through the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program. Council identified the Geeveston Town Hall lift project as one of 13 project that would benefit the community. The Geeveston Town Hall lift project was identified in 2020 through community engagement as a crucial community asset for the revitalisation of the Geeveston Town…