Southbridge Waste Transfer Station Junction Realignment

The Southbridge Waste Transfer Station was nominated as part of the Australian Government Black Spot Program to realign the junction and entrance to the tip. In the last five years, there have been a number of car accidents at this junction. All of the accidents involved a vehicle turning right out of the waste transfer…

Huon Valley Jobs Hub

Regional Jobs Hubs have been established by the State Government to help more Tasmanians into work. They bring local employers together with job seekers providing dedicated employment support services including career counselling, advice on how to get job ready, and transport options. The Southern Training and Employment Network is one of seven regional jobs hubs…

Burtons Reserve Bike Track Survey

As part of the Burtons Reserve Master Plan, Council is installing a children’s track. Project Background The Burtons Reserve Master Plan was approved by Council in 2017 and as part of the plan a bike track was included. Council has secured grant funding for this project, and are now gathering input from the community about…

Intention to sell public land

The Huon Valley Council has resolved its intention to sell a portion of public land at Huonville. The portion of land is part of Certificate of Title Volume 126804 Folio 1 title 40-72 Wilmot Road, Huonville.  That title contains the Huonville Recreation Ground sporting precinct and is public land under the Local Government Act 1993…

2021 Australian Liveability Census

The largest social research project in Australian history is underway with the 2021 Australian Liveability Census. After a year where our local neighbourhoods were more important than ever, it is the perfect time to understand what would make them better for you. We encourage everyone to take the 15 minutes to complete this survey and…

Huon Valley Workforce Planning Study

Consultancy firm KPMG has been appointed to undertake a study on current and future workforce planning for the Huon Valley Council municipal area. The study take a broad view of the region’s workforce and will involve strong engagement with stakeholders from all major and growing industry sectors in the Huon Valley. Outcomes from consultations with…