Mountain River Hall Playground renewal

Due to the age, wear and tear of the existing equipment, the Mountain River Hall Playground located on Mountain River Road has been identified for renewal. Key features in the new area include; Swings including a toddler seat Junior rock climbing wall Music panel New fencing which incorporates the grass area Replacement of water tank…

Port Huon to Geeveston walking track

For many years, the Huon Valley community has expressed a desire for a walking path that links Port Huon to Geeveston. Council was recently successful in obtaining a $1,250,000 grant from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional, Development and Communications for the construction of approximately 3km of walking track to link the two towns. Council…

Climate Change Strategy – Part A

In July 2019, Council endorsed a Climate Change Strategy project plan (17.026/19). This project plan included working closely with the Regional Climate Change Initiative and University of Tasmania, due to a large strategy template project funded by the Southern Tasmania Councils Authority. Since that time, the work to be conducted by the University of Tasmania…

Huon Lawn Cemetery

The Huon Valley Council is taking expressions of interest (EOI) for the purchase of vacant land within the Huon Lawn Cemetery and development of funeral and memorialisation services. The Huon Lawn Cemetery Master Plan, which is currently in initial draft form, identifies that the area of vacant land (outlined in red below) could be privately…

Huonville Football Change Rooms

New unisex change rooms will be built at the Huonville Recreation Ground following a successful application for grant funding to remedy the lack of suitable facilities for female players. Funding for the project comes from the Tasmanian Government’s Levelling the Playing Field Grants Program, along with contributions from AFL Tasmania and Bendigo Bank and asset…

Community Communications Survey 2019

We are undertaking a Community Communications Survey to understand and improve the way we provide information and engage with our community. As identified in our Community Engagement Framework, understanding our community and having our community understand Council is essential to delivering services that respond to the needs of our community and assists us to achieve…