Expression of Interest: Lease of Office Space – Cygnet Town Hall

Council is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) for a lease of office and building space within the Cygnet Town Hall. The Cygnet Town Hall is public land within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993. The space available for lease is in three tenancies and includes rooms from the former Port Cygnet Council main offices at…

Draft Nature Strip & Road Reserves Policy and Guidelines

Council is seeking feedback from the community on the Draft Nature Strip and Road Reserves Policy and Guidelines. Background At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 28 August 2024, as part of the General Policy Review, it was recommended that the Draft Nature Strip and Road Reserves Policy, GOV-Asset 004 be open for community feedback…

The Great Wheelie Bin Survey

Have Your Say on waste, including our existing services, potential extensions to kerbside collection routes and the introduction of green bins for Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO). We acknowledge and appreciate the significant role our community plays in supporting our Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR) Strategy 2022-2025. Your input in this engagement will…

Southern Tasmania Regional Land Use Strategy

Background Regional Land Use Strategies are an important part of the Tasmanian Planning System. They plan up to 25 years ahead and set the direction for how land use change, growth and development in Tasmania’s regions will be managed. The Southern Tasmania Regional Land Use Strategy (STRLUS) is one of three Regional Land Use strategies…

Huon Valley’s Climate Change Futures

Background In January 2023, Council declared a Climate Change Emergency and committed to taking meaningful action on climate change in Huon Valley. The direct response to this was the creation of a dedicated Climate Change Officer, who is charged with implementing its Climate Change Strategy.   This includes Part A – Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan, endorsed…

Cygnet Town Hall Management

Council have teamed up with SGS Economics & Planning to engage with the community on the Cygnet Town Hall. We are currently exploring options for the future management, vision and purpose for the Cygnet Town Hall. BACKGROUND  Built in 1913, the Cygnet Town Hall has been the heart of social life in the Cygnet Community since…