Audit Panel

Huon Valley Council’s Audit Panel is comprised of two independent members and two members who are Councillors. Councillors Toby Thorpe and Andrew Burgess were appointed to the Audit Panel in 2022. The Audit Panel Chairperson as of July 2020 is Mike Derbyshire and the other independent member is Cam Jones, also appointed in July 2020.

The Audit Panel has a range of objectives, including assisting the Council and General Manager in providing an independent process in financial and risk management practices, and ensuring that there is an adequate and effective system of internal controls throughout Council.

Audit Panel Charter

Audit Panel Code of Conduct


More information is available here.

Health and Wellbeing

More information is available on the Healthy and Well page.

General Manager’s Performance Review Committee

In accordance with the Terms of Reference, the Committee shall be limited to the following roles and functions:

  • To monitor the performance of the General Manager in accordance with the General Manager’s employment contract.
  • To undertake the annual performance review of the General Manager in accordance with the General Manager’s employment contract in a timely manner.
  • To negotiate with the General Manager on the salary package and benefits to be paid in the following year at the completion of the performance review process for recommendation to the Council.
  • To provide recommendations to the Council on the General Manager’s contract of employment.
  • To negotiate the appointment of an independent facilitator or engage independent legal or human resources or other professional advice as required to assist the Committee and the Council in complying with the terms and conditions of the General Manager’s employment contract for recommendation to the Council.

Committee Members

The membership of the Committee shall comprise four persons of whom shall be the following:

  • Mayor Sally Doyle
  • Deputy Mayor Toby Thorpe
  • Councillors Debbie Armstrong and David O’Neill

Arts and Culture

More information is available on the Local Art Groups page.

Huon Valley Emergency Management Committee

The committee is chaired by Councillor Andrew Burgess and is made up of the following Stakeholders:

  • SES
  • Tasmania Police
  • Tasmania Fire Service
  • TasWater
  • TasNetworks
  • Bureau of Meteorology
  • Tasmanian Health Service
  • Parks & Wildlife Service
  • Kingborough Council

The Emergency Management Committee makes recommendations to the Council regarding the preparation and review of the Huon Valley Emergency Management Plan and special emergency management plans.

The committee is also involved in coordinating policy, arrangements and strategies for emergency management in the Huon Valley. It reviews the management of emergencies and works to improve emergency management arrangements.

Huon Valley Emergency Management Plan

Huonville Recreation Area Management Advisory Committee

The committee is chaired by Councillor Sally Doyle and is made up of representatives of community groups and sporting clubs who have an interest in the recreation area. These groups include the Huon Valley Little Athletics Centre, Huonville Football Club, Huon Netball Association, Huon Valley Soccer Club, Huon Valley Aquatic Club, Huonville Cricket Club, Huon Valley PCYC, Huonville Scout and Guide Hall Committee, Huon Valley Dog Walking Association, Huon RSLA Sub-branch.

The primary role of the committee is to liaise with the Council on the development of sporting and recreation facilities and administration matters associated with the Huonville recreation area.

Members of the public who are not on the committee are welcome to attend meetings as observers or may be invited to participate in discussions as a guest speaker by prior arrangement with a council officer and with the approval of the Chairperson.

Marine Facilities Development Advisory Committee

The Marine Facilities Development Advisory Committee makes recommendations to the Council regarding:

  • The implementation of the Huon Valley Marine Facilities Development Strategy
  • The degree of Council support to be provided to projects developed for consideration under the funding program facilitated by Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST)
  • Any other marine facility issue referred to it by the Council

Members of the public who are not committee members are welcome to attend meetings as observers or may be invited to participate in discussions as a guest speaker with approval from a Council officer and the committee chair.

Ranelagh Recreation Area Management Advisory Committee

The committee is chaired by Councillor Mark Jessup and is made up of representatives of community groups and sporting clubs who have an interest in the recreation area. These groups include the Huon Dist Pony and Riding Club, Huon Agricultural Society, Huon and Channel Kennel Club, A Taste of the Huon, Kingborough/Huon Rural Youth, North Huon Cricket Club.

The Ranelagh Recreation Area Management Advisory Committee makes recommendations to Council on the development of sporting and recreation facilities and administrative matters associated with the Ranelagh Recreation Area.

Members of the public who are not committee members are welcome to attend meetings as observers or may be invited to participate in discussions as a guest speaker with approval from a Council officer and the committee chair.

Tasmanian Forest Workers Memorial Committee

The Tasmanian Forest Workers Memorial Management Committee advises the Council in relation to the general development of the memorial and promotes the use of the memorial in the Tasmanian community.

The Memorial is located amongst a grove of native trees at Heritage Park in Geeveston, alongside to the Kermandie River.   It consists consists of plaque installations in memory of those who have lost their lives while working in the forest industry in Tasmania.

Family members & loved ones of those who lost their lives while working in the Tasmanian Forest Industry can submit an application (see below) for a plaque to be included on the memorial.

Youth Committee

More information is available on the 12 to 24 page.

Geeveston Town Hall Controlling Authority

Following the withdrawal by Forestry Tasmania from the Geeveston Town Hall (the Town Hall) and closure of the Forest and Heritage Centre in 2015 the Council established the Geeveston Town Hall Company Limited (GTH Co) as a Corporation limited by Guarantee to operate the Town Hall.

In 2019 the Council determined to undertake a review of GTH Co and undertook community engagement in 2020.

The outcome of the engagement identified the following key matters
a. The 2015 Town Hall Vision remains relevant in 2020.
b. Management of the Town Hall by a community led organisation with skill-based volunteers is preferred, ensuring any arrangement between Council and the organisation includes long term tenure.
c. The Town Hall should generate sufficient revenue to manage the expenses of the operations.

As a result the Council resolved its intention to wind up GTH Co and to establish the Geeveston Town Hall Controlling Authority in accordance with section 29 of the Local Government Act 1993.

The Controlling Authority has the same functions as GTH Co (see clause 4 of the Rules below). The functions include to operate the Town Hall for any one or more of the following activities:
a. Visitor Centre or retail space
b. Museum
c. Galley and exhibition space
d. Café and/or restaurant
e. Events space.

The Authority is to be run by a Board of Directors (without any Council representative, Council Officer or Councillor members).

The Board is made up of community members with a mix and balance of skills, knowledge and experience required for it to fulfil its functions.

To ensure consistency and transition from GTH Co to the Authority the Council has appointed the current Directors of GTH Co as the first Directors of the Authority. The first Directors are responsible for overseeing appointment of the vacant Director positions to the Board.

Expressions of interest are called to fill a vacant Director position on the Board of the Authority. Details can be found below

Geeveston Town Hall Controlling Authority Rules

EOI for GTHCA Directors 2022

GTHCA – Directors Selection Criteria