Council Meetings
Council meetings are held each month, generally the last Wednesday of each month commencing at 6pm. The meetings are held in our Council Chambers, 40 Main Street, Huonville. Agendas, reports and minutes are all available on our website.
COVID-19 Restrictions Removed
Members of the public are welcome to attend Council meetings and are no longer required to register their attendance. The capacity for our public gallery is 12 people, with seating being a ‘first come first serve’ basis. As part of ongoing COVID-19 safety management we ask that people do not attend if unwell or required to isolate and follow cough and personal hygiene measures. Meetings will continue to be live streamed so you can tune in from home.
Public Question Time
To ensure there are opportunities for public participation:
- Questions can be asked for public question time by presenting these in writing to Council by 12pm the day prior to the meeting. All questions are to be submitted by following the link here.
- Alternatively you can attend the meeting and ask your question in person.
- As of 22 April 2022, questions received in writing by midday on Council Meeting day are continued to be treated as Questions without Notice. Your questions will be published on the Council website and included in the minutes of the Council Meeting. They will not be read out during the meeting.
- Council will live stream and video record the meetings and will make the recording available for public viewing as soon as possible after the Council meeting.
- Answers to questions lodged can be found in the Minutes or Public Question Time tab for the relevant month.
The COVID-19 situation is ever-changing and this page will be updated as new information comes to hand. We recommend that you check back on a regular basis to stay up to date on when and how meetings will be held.
Meeting procedures
Scheduled council meetings run according to documented and regulated procedures.
Meeting Dates
Meeting dates are normally set in December for the following year. Meeting dates are published annually in the Mercury, Huon News and on Council’s website.
Agendas and reports
Council meeting agendas and associated reports and documents are available online or from the Council’s Customer Service Centre free of charge. This does not include attachments to planning reports or reports relating to matters to be discussed in closed council meetings.
Agendas and reports are available at least four days before an ordinary meeting.
If you are attending the meeting and intend to ask a question during public question time please bring a hard copy of your question to give to our staff officer for the minutes.
To ensure a great experience when viewing this page, please make sure you are running the latest version of the browser you are using.
Minutes are usually available one week after a meeting but are subject to confirmation at the next ordinary meeting of the Council.
Minutes are available online free of charge. Hard copies of any extract from the minutes are also available for inspection and may be obtained from the Council’s Customer Service Centre at a cost of $1.45 for every five pages.
Upcoming Meetings
April 2025 Ordinary Meeting of Council
Ordinary Meeting | 6:00pm | Council Chambers
May 2025 Ordinary Meeting of Council
Ordinary Meeting | 6:00pm | Council Chambers
June 2025 Ordinary Meeting of Council
Ordinary Meeting | 6:00pm | Council Chambers
July 2025 Ordinary Meeting of Council
Ordinary Meeting | 6:00pm | Council Chambers
August 2025 Ordinary Meeting of Council
Ordinary Meeting | 6:00pm | Council Chambers