Key items discussed at the Ordinary Council Meeting, Wednesday 27 July 2022.
- Approved a lease extension for Port Cygnet Men’s Shed
- Approved our response to the State Planning Provisions Review scoping paper
- Received and noted NRM Strategy Annual Report
- Received and noted Huon Valley Weed Management Strategy Annual Report
- Approved amendments and additions to fees relating to Port Huon Sports Centre and Huon Valley Hub hire
- Received and noted the community engagement summary report on Burtons Reserve Track and approved funding for the implementation
- Approved the appointment of members to the Arts and Culture Committee membership
- Approved the 2022–23 Community Grants Program
- Four petitions were tabled. One petition on the GM appointment process was tabled; one petition on the LPS and one petition in relation to breaches of code of conduct by Crs Doyle and Newell. These matters will be subject to individual council reports at the August meeting. The petition that was tabled last month regarding the GM’s employment was dealt with in a report in Closed Council.
- Some of the questions during public question time related to the LPS, GM recruitment and appointment, the 2022–23 Budget and an update on medical centres.
Supporting documents for this meeting, including the agenda and minutes (posted 1 week afterwards) are available on our Meetings, Agendas & Minutes page.