Royal Australian Navy Lieutenant Commander Jacob Alsford presented Huon Valley Council’s Acting CEO, Lyle Ground, with HMAS Huon’s ceremonial life buoy last week.

The buoy was traditionally placed at the gangway whenever the ship was alongside. This one belongs to the recently decommissioned Huon-class minehunter coastal vessel HMAS Huon.

Many will remember the life buoy being a prominent feature during the Freedom of Entry march through Huonville’s Main Street earlier this year and back in 2017.

A Freedom of Entry ceremony dates back to medieval times and is the highest accolade a town can bestow upon a military unit as a mark of trust and respect.

The Council is honoured to have guardianship of such a significant item and to keep it alive on display in the Customer Service area.

“It’s a big piece of Navy history and we are honoured to be able to present it today,” said Lieutenant Commander Alsford.