Council’s Purpose
The primary purpose and function of Huon Valley Council, as stated in the Local Government Act 1993 is to:
- provide for the health, safety and welfare of the community
- represent and promote the interests of the community
- provide for the peace, order and good government of the municipal area.
Council Vision
We are an inclusive, innovative, and trusted Council that values our rural heritage and lifestyle and our strong connections to the land, waterways, and each other, and supports and improves the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of our community.
Council’s Values
In developing this Ten-Year Strategic Plan, Council was guided by the following organisational values:
- Safety: We will ensure that safety is entrenched in everything we do.
- Integrity: We will interact with colleagues and customers in an open, honest and ethical manner to create an environment based on mutual respect and trust.
- Teamwork: We will work collaboratively to achieve the best outcomes for the Council and the community.
- Service Excellence: We will provide an efficient and professional service to internal and external customers.
- Continuous Improvement: We will encourage and support each other to improve the quality and efficiency of our work, our systems and our assets.

Refugee Welcome Zone
In 2016 Council became a Refugee Welcome Zone, an initiative of the Refugee Council of Australia.
A Refugee Welcome Zone is a council area which has made a commitment in spirit to welcoming refugees and migrants from refugee backgrounds into the community, upholding the human rights of refugees, as we do for all of our residents, and enhancing cultural and religious diversity in the community.