We provide these as a list containing all documentation and information as required by regulation.

If you read or save any of the documents or applications on this page, you will be taken to have agreed to the Terms and Conditions outlined by law. For further information regarding access to documents or applications, please refer to the Fact Sheet and FAQS – Can I obtain a copy of a Development Application.

Visit this page for information on making a representation in support or in opposition to an application.

Planning Application


Illuminated ground based panel sign to replace existing sign, 1007 Esperance Coast Road, Surveyors Bay (CT-116198/1)

Planning Application


Outbuilding (garage), 182 Glen Huon Road, Huonville (CT-118198/1)

Planning Application


Change of Use from Residential to Visitor Accommodation, 6793 Channel Highway, Deep Bay (CT- 60781/21)

Planning Application


Single dwelling, 5749 Channel Highway, Charlotte Cove (CT-19501/11)

Planning Application


Additions and alterations to dwelling, 32 Fairy Falls Road, Geeveston (CT-236048/1)

Planning Application


Change of use to visitor accommodation, 306 Silver Hill Road, Cygnet (CT-139542/7)