We provide these as a list containing all documentation and information as required by regulation.

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Planning Application


dwelling, studio, and works within road reservation (retrospective), 218 Cygnet Coast Road, Lymington (CT-13051/1)

Planning Application


Outbuilding (shed), 33 Ballantyne Heights, Franklin (154579/2)

Planning Application


Dwelling, 2x outbuilding, and temporary caravan, 1285 Pelverata Road (CT-176636/1)

Planning Application


New salmon harvesting container and demolition of old, 1001 Esperance Coast Road, Surveyors Bay and Crown land North of that parcel

Planning Application


Dwelling, 287 Braeside Road, Franklin (CT-158794/1)

Planning Application


Multiple dwellings (x2) - 7375 Channel Highway, Cygnet (CT-187483/3)