If you have been notified of a planning permit application by:

  • writing
  • viewing a notice in the paper, or
  • on the frontage of a property

You may wish to prepare a representation in support or in opposition to the application.

The plans and documentation relating to an advertised planning permit application may be viewed on Council’s website under Advertised Applications or alternatively at Council’s Customer Service Centre located at 40 Main Street, Huonville.

How to Make a Representation

Representations must be made in writing and addressed to the CEO within 14 days of the date in which notice is given. The specific date is provided in the notice. Any late representations will not be legally valid, which means you may lose your right of appeal against the future decision. The Council and its staff are only required to consider legally valid representations.

Representations may be made by:

Post: CEO, PO Box 210, Huonville TAS 7109
Delivered: hand delivered representations can be made to Council’s Customer Service Centre at 40 Main Street, Huonville.
Email: hvc@huonvalley.tas.gov.au – representations made by email must be received no later than 12:00am on the day specified in the advertisement of the proposal to be accepted. Representations sent by email to any other email address will not be accepted.
Electronic Lodgement: lodge representation using the Planning Representation interactive form found at the bottom of the page.

All posted, hand delivered or faxed representations must be received no later than 5:00pm on the closing date specified in the advertisement or proposal to be accepted. Late representations will not be considered.

You may wish to download the Council’s standard representation form here, or fill out the interactive form below.

What to Include in a Representation

To be effective, your representation should only raise matters addressed in the relevant planning scheme and give objective reasons for the objection. A written representation should include:

  • your contact details, including phone number and address
  • the address of the planning permit application and its reference number
  • the nature of the merits or concerns with the planning permit application.

Concerns should relate to relevant provisions of the Planning Scheme. Council staff can assist in this regard.

Some common valid concerns with a development are outlined as follows:

  • Type of land use is not appropriate.
  • Appearance or character.
  • Overshadowing – e.g. shadows cast by the proposed building.
  • Traffic generated.
  • Proposed development is at odds with the requirements of the Planning Scheme.

Upon receipt of your representation, you will be sent an email or letter acknowledging when Council received your submission and confirming if it is considered to be a legally valid representation.

How are My Concerns Addressed in the Assessment Process?

Council must consider a representation when making a decision about the application. Although objections may take any form, those relating to reasonable planning concerns will have more influence over Council’s decision.

Most submissions are objections. From time to time developers may alter proposals before Council makes its decision to address concerns raised, and if this occurs then Council staff will contact all representors. However, this is not common practice and Council staff do not facilitate mediation or discussion between parties prior to the Council making a decision.

In cases where there are three or more representations received that raise objections, the application is required to be considered by the elected members at a Council meeting. Council’s statutory planners will prepare a report which considers the application and the merit of representations which will be deliberated by the elected members at the Council meeting and a decision will be made.

The agenda for each Council meeting is available for inspection in the Council Offices or online on the Meetings, Agendas and Minutes page on the Monday before the meeting. The agenda will contain a report and recommendations on the proposal. You will be notified of the decision in writing within seven days after the Council meeting date and provided a copy of the planning permit or refusal notice.

Getting Help with Your Representation

To prepare the most effective representation, you can engage the services of a private planning consultant. A planning consultant can undertake a review of the Planning Scheme and the proposed development and help identify and explain those planning issues to include in a representation.

Find a planning consultant by visiting the Planning Institute of Australia website or by viewing the Yellow Pages under town planning.

Council’s Statutory Planners are also willing to assist you in interpreting and understanding plans and documentation and relevant Planning Scheme sections submitted with an application which will be available for inspection during the 14 day public exhibition period.

Council Statutory Planners are not, however, in a position to enter into any discussions in relation to the merits of the development or a person’s argument against it. Council officers provide objective assessment of the planning permit application in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Scheme and do not act for or on behalf of the developer or any party.


Section 61 of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (LUPAA) provides for planning appeals following a Council decision. Any person who lodged a representation to Council may appeal the decision.

Appeals must be made to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (the Appeal Tribunal).

The Appeal Tribunal contact details are available on its website.

An appeal of this decision or conditions of the permit to the Appeal Tribunal must be made within 14 days in accordance with section 61 of the LUPPA.

The appeal needs to be in accordance with relevant directions of the Appeal Tribunal that apply to the lodgement of an appeal – further information is available from its website here.

Make a Planning Representation

Representations made by email must be received no later than 12:00am on the day specified in the advertisement of the proposal to be accepted. Representations sent by email to any other email address will not be accepted. All posted, hand delivered or faxed representations must be received no later than 5:00pm on the day specified in the advertisement or the proposal to be accepted. Hand delivered representations can be made to Council’s Customer Service Centre at 40 Main Street, Huonville.

  • Street address or PO Box
  • If provided, we will forward a copy of this representation to the email address supplied.
  • make the following representations in respect of the application for planning approval and/or heritage works application to the Huon Valley Council
  • Site address
  • Additional sheet(s) may be attached if desired
  • Drop files here or
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