A small brick building with a gable roof labeled Community Hall stands beside a red brick annex. Three cars are parked in front on a paved road. Hills and a partly cloudy sky are visible in the background.
Facility overview:

The Ranelagh Hall was built in 1924 to replace one that burned down.  It was used for markets and entertainment and by the CWA for packing care packages for soldiers fighting overseas in WW2.  It was also used for many years as a cinema.  It has been used for quiz nights and other fundraising events run by Community groups as well as a church assembly place, youth club headquarters, and service club meeting place.

The Hall is an excellent venue for family and community events.  The main hall, tea rooms or meeting room are all available for multipurpose use.  The hall has a large capacity (180 people), is well resourced with tables, chairs, kitchen, catering equipment and has a stage area and meeting room facilities.   The hall has disability access and a single disability toilet.  There is ample parking at the front of the hall and some off-street parking at the side of the hall (where the disability access is located).

The Hall is used by a range of groups including the Tasmanian Family History Society Huon Branch, rhythmic dancing, and ball room dancing.  In addition, the hall is used to support key Huon Valley community events such as Huon Agricultural Show, Taste of the Huon and as a polling both on election days.

  • Category 2 facility
  • Capacity 220
  • Disability access
  • 115 chairs, 22 trestle tables
  • Kitchen facilities
  • Stage
Functions can include:
  • Weddings
  • Funeral Services
  • Theatre Productions
  • Dancing
  • Meetings
  • Art and Craft Groups
  • Meetings
  • Exercise Classes

Contact Jenny on 6264 1061