Illustration of a COVID-19 vaccine vial on a light blue background. The vial is blue with a dark blue cap and features an orange checkmark above the words COVID-19 Vaccine.

The Dover Medical Centre is providing vaccination clinics on set days to both Dover Medical Centre patients and Geeveston Medical Centre patients.

The Astra Zeneca vaccine is for patients over 60 years of age. 

To register your interest to have the Astra Zeneca vaccine:

If you are a Geeveston Medical Centre patient, please contact reception on 6297 1903 to have your name put on a list and to receive the consent form, then Dover Medical Centre will contact you to make an appointment.

If you are a Dover Medical Centre patient, please contact reception on 6298 1222 to have your name put on the list and to complete the consent form.

The Pfizer vaccine will be available for priority patients aged between 16 and 59 from August 2021 and at this point will not be available for those over the age of 60.

To register your interest to have the Pfizer vaccine:

If you are a Geeveston Medical Centre patient, please contact reception on 6297 1903 to have your name put on a list and to receive the consent form, then Dover Medical Centre will contact you to make an appointment.

If you are a Dover Medical Centre patient, please contact reception on 6298 1222 to have your name put on the list and to complete the consent form.