A draft strategic plan for 2024-2034 with a cover image depicting people relaxing by a river in a park, surrounded by trees and mountains under a clear sky. The document rests on a wooden surface.

You are invited to give feedback on an initial public draft of Huon Valley Council’s Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Plan is Council’s primary planning document. Once completed it will be used to guide decision making and governance in the Huon Valley for the next 10 years.

Submissions close 5pm, Wednesday 6 March 2024.

View the plan online

Ways to have your say

  • Complete an online survey
  • Visit Council’s Customer Service Centre, 40 Main Street, Huonville or Huon Valley Hub 23 Main Street, Huonville
  • Email hvc@huonvalley.tas.gov.au
  • Attend a drop-in session at the Huon Valley Hub, Tuesday 20 February 1pm to 4pm

Stay up to date
Progress on the project will be posted in the Have Your Say section of this website.