The pristine natural environment we enjoy in the Huon Valley is treasured by locals and visitors alike, yet dumped rubbish is still often spotted in our parks, reserves, roadsides and waterways.
Not only is dumped rubbish unsightly, it also affects the health of our landscape and waterways. Looking after our environment, community, and future generations means disposing of waste properly and reporting dumped rubbish offences when you see them.
You can report dumped rubbish at any time using the Environment Protection Authority’s Report Rubbish online app.
Available for your smartphone, tablet and computer, the easy-to-use web application requests information about the type, quantity and location of dumped rubbish and forwards the report to the relevant land manager so it can be investigated, collected and disposed of.
For more information about rubbish dumping in Tasmania please visit https://epa.tas.gov.au/sustainability/litter-and-dumping.
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