The Huon Valley Council has approved 10 Priority Projects for our region which will be circulated to the major political parties, key agencies and candidates in advance of the 2021/22 State and Federal elections.
Huon Valley Council Acting Mayor Sally Doyle said the projects selected are opportunities for the Australian Government, Tasmanian Government and Council to work together to achieve good outcomes for our local people.
“With an election called for May 2021 and the Federal election due in May 2022, we will be working with all candidates for commitments to the projects that the Huon Valley community needs and desires most,” said Cr Doyle.
The 10 Priority Projects for the Huon Valley are:
- Activation of Huonville Commercial and Industrial Precincts
- Cygnet Township Plan
- Redevelopment of the Esperance Multipurpose Health Centre (including Dover Medical Centre)
- Huon River Regional Recreational Open Space and Commercial Development Master Plan and Implementation
- Dover Community Hall – Expansion of Old School Building
- Redevelopment of Huon Valley Children’s Services, Huonville
- Huonville to Franklin Shared Pathway Project
- Huonville Beautification Project
- Dover Mountain Bike Business Plan
- Port Huon Sports & Aquatic Centre Redevelopment
“The projects focus on economic recovery to support our communities to rebuild from the ongoing impacts of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic,” said Cr Doyle.
“The projects will help meet the goals of the Huon Valley Council Strategic Plan 2015–2025 in a number of areas, including improving the liveability of our region”
“Council is committed to delivering these important projects as soon as funding becomes available, so we will hire a dedicated project officer to devote their time to develop plans and bring the projects to shovel-ready status.
“The projects will help meet the goals of the Huon Valley Council Strategic Plan 2015–2025 in a number of areas, including improving the liveability of our region, supporting health and wellbeing in all our people, boosting our economy, strengthening our resilience against emergencies, and providing opportunities for future projects. They will also provide infrastructure to cater for our growing population, which is projected to grow from 17,561 to 20,454 by 2042.”
You can view the Huon Valley Priority Projects under Plans and Strategies. Or, you can view the documents at the Council’s Customer Service Centre at 40 Main Street, Huonville.