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At an official ceremony on 18 July 2024 at the Huonville Town Hall, thirteen Huon Valley
residents became Australian citizens.

“Our new citizens came from nine different countries across the world, including Cameroon,
Canada, China, Fiji, France, Ireland, Philippines, New Zealand and South Africa,” said Huon
Valley Mayor Sally Doyle.

Mayor Doyle formally welcomed the conferees at the official ceremony and was joined by
Huon Valley Council Acting CEO Lyle Ground, the Honourable Julie Collins, Senator Claire
Chandler, Kaspar Deane representing the Honourable Dean Winter’s office, Meg Brown MP,
Dean Harriss MLC and Councillor Andrew Burgess.

Senator Claire Chandler welcomed the conferees on behalf of the Minister for Immigration,
Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, the honourable Andrew Giles MP, and thanked them
for deciding to become Australian citizens.

“On behalf of the Australian Government, heartfelt congratulations on becoming an
Australian citizen,” said Senator Claire Chandler.

Mayor Doyle spoke on behalf of the community in offering her warmest welcome to the new

“Thank you for choosing to call the Huon Valley your home, contributing to making it a
positive and enriching place to live,” she said.

To mark this special occasion, the new citizens received a 2024 Australian Citizenship coin
and an Australian native plant.