Mr. Mrosek was sworn in at an official ceremony held at Council Chambers on Thursday 22 August 2024. Mayor Sally Doyle, CEO Lachlan Kranz, Councillor Gibson and Council staff were in attendance to welcome and congratulate Mr. Mrosek.
His appointment follows a recount conducted by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission (TEC) after the resignation of Councillor Jenny Cambers Smith earlier this month.
“From my background in building design, I have a strong interest in housing and strategic planning. That’s where my passion and professional skills lie and where I want to focus my efforts, among other things,” Councillor Mrosek said.
“I am looking forward to this opportunity and will be doing my best to represent the community.”
Councillor Mrosek will attend his first ordinary meeting of Council on Wednesday 28 August 2024.

Image: Huon Valley Council CEO Lachlan Kranz (left) and Mayor Sally Doyle (right) welcome new Councillor Lukas Mrosek (middle)