A group of people gathers outside a shipping container converted into a gallery. Inside, various bonsai trees are displayed on shelves against a white background. The container is labeled Artbox on the side.

Experience a glimpse into the world of bonsai at our latest ARTBOX exhibition. Stephanie Abercromby has a selection of beautiful Bonsai on display in our mobile art gallery at Geeveston.
It is the first exhibition of this kind to be featured in ARTBOX.

Bonsai is the Japanese art of growing and training trees in pots to resemble the shape of real-life trees. The creation of a Bonsai tree requires plant knowledge but also a sense of aesthetics and design. Bonsai trees are created with an intentional sense of simplicity, harmony and balance. The peaceful beauty of a Bonsai tree is intended for the enjoyment and appreciation for the viewer.

Miniature Landscapes will be on display in ARTBOX from 16 November to 29 November 2022, at 17 Arve Road, Geeveston (near Masaaki’s Sushi).

ARTBOX is an initiative of Huon Valley Council. For information about upcoming exhibitions, or to have your work displayed, visit our website.