An expo aimed at older people in the Huon Valley will showcase a range of service providers that support positive ageing. The event aims to connect older people with local groups, activities and services that are relevant to their needs, and to encourage networking and building connections.
In Australia social isolation is recognised as a significant public health and wellbeing issue. We know that connecting with others and getting involved in local activities can help overcome loneliness and promote wellbeing.
Huon Valley Council’s Age Well program is hosting the mini-expo. The program has been established to address the issue of social isolation and loneliness experienced by older residents in the valley through increasing connection opportunities.
Our population is spread over a large geographical and rural area, and this is a contributing factor to older people being unaware of existing programs and activities.
The Age Well program is funded by the Australian Government, Department of Social Services (DSS), through the Village Hubs Grants Fund. It is the first funded village hub program in Tasmania. It is managed by the Huon Valley Council and works closely with local partners who offer social activities for older people.
The mini-expo will be held on Tuesday 18 October at the Huon Valley Hub in Huonville from 1pm to 4pm.
Homemade scones with jam and cream will be a highlight as well as a free plant giveaway.