We’d like to extend a heartfelt welcome to 4 Huon Valley residents who received their Australian citizenship at an official ceremony held in Council Chambers on Tuesday 12 November 2024.

Our new citizens, originally from the United Kingdom, Finland, Iran, and Ireland, took their pledge of commitment before family, friends, Council representatives and elected officials.

In attendance to officially welcome the conferees were Huon Valley Council CEO Lachlan Kranz, Mayor Sally Doyle, Councillor Andrew Burgess, Senator Catryna Bilyk, Dr Rosalie Woodruff MP, David O’Byrne MP, and representatives from the offices of Ministers Eric Abetz and Jacquie Petrusma.

Each new citizen was presented with their official certificate of citizenship, a commemorative coin and an Australian native plant.

The ceremony concluded with a morning tea celebration, welcoming our newest Australians to the community.