A historic brick building labeled Palais Theatre with a red roof and symmetrical windows. The entrance has a small garden in front, and there’s a bench to the left. The setting is on a quiet street with a backdrop of trees.

Details of a public meeting about the process undertaken by Huon Valley Council for recruiting and appointing the new General Manager are as follows.

Time and Date of Public Meeting

Friday 4 February, 2022, 6pm. The meeting is expected to go until 8pm however the meeting time may be extended to complete motions under consideration at that time.

Former member of the Legislative Council Sue Smith will facilitate the meeting.

Location of Public Meeting

The Palais Theatre Franklin, 3388 Huon Highway Franklin.

Should numbers significantly exceed capacity of the Palais, the PCYC in Huonville may be considered as an alternate venue for the meeting. Any changes to the location will be provided on this website and through the Council’s social media channels.

Pre-meeting – Submissions (now closed, see below for submissions)

Any person can lodge a submission in relation to the subject matter. The submission can be any length.

  • Submissions close at midnight, Friday 28 January, 2022.
  • Submissions can be lodged addressed to the General Manager:
    • In person at the Customer Service Centre, 40 Main Street, Huonville
    • By email to hvc@huonvalley.tas.gov.au or
    • Post to PO Box 210, Huonville, 7109.

Submissions made are to be placed on the Council website as soon as practicable after the closing date. The submissions will include the name of the person making the submission however, personal, address and contact details and any potential defamatory imputations will be redacted.

Lodge a Motion to be tabled at the Public Meeting

Any motions sought to be presented to the Meeting must be given on notice to the General Manager at least seven (7) days before the Meeting to be considered.

Motions can be lodged in the same manner as submissions as described above.

Motions not given on notice will not be accepted at the meeting.

Attending the Meeting 

Due to Public Health directive, attendance limits will apply and registration will be required to attend the meeting. 126 tickets are being made available.

Tickets open 9am Thursday 27 January and close 5pm Tuesday 1 February 2022.

Please visit our eventbrite to book your ticket.

The meeting will be filmed and uploaded ASAP after the meeting (note, the meeting will not be livestreamed).

At the Meeting 

The meeting is to be chaired by an independent Chair and is desirably to be completed within two hours however the Chairperson may extend that time to deal with Motions that have not been dealt with and have not been refused under the rules for conduct of debate.

The Agenda for the meeting is to be as follows:

  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Chairpersons welcome and introduction
  4. Noting of summary of submissions
  5. Presentation by or on behalf of A Donley as lodger for the petition not more than 10 minutes
  6. Discussion/Motions
  7. Closure

The rules for conduct of debate are as follows:

  1. Any motions sought to be presented to the Meeting must be given on notice at least seven (7) days before the Meeting to be considered. Motions not given on notice will not be accepted at the meeting.
  2. Motions put forward from the lodger of the petition will take precedence over other motions received.
  3. A motion must be moved and seconded.
  4. The Chairperson may, at their discretion, refuse a motion where that motion would result in substantially the same outcome as a motion previously passed at the meeting.
  5. The person moving a motion may speak for not more than three (3) minutes.
  6. All other persons may speak for not more than two (2) minutes.
  7. The Chairperson may at their discretion close debate on any motion where those speaking on a motion are substantially repeating what has been stated by any earlier speaker.
  8. The person moving the motion has a right of reply of up to one (1) minute and must not introduce any new information in exercising that right.
  9. The Chairperson is to determine the vote by a show of hands.
  10. Procedural motions may only be made at the discretion of the Chairperson who must consider whether all those who wish to have an opportunity to speak have had that opportunity.
  11. The Chairperson may receive amendments to a motion at the meeting, to be dealt with in the same manner as a motion for the purposes of debate.
  12. A person may move a motion to amend a motion if that person has not moved or seconded the original motion.


33 submissions were received during the advertising period 7 January 2022 to 28 January 2022 from 27 members of the public.

Two (2) submissions were received after the closing time citing lack of internet access available to lodge within the time. Both submissions have been included in this summary. Any further submissions received after this time have not been included in this document however, they will be placed onto the Council’s website.

Submissions lodged can be found here.

A Summary of Submissions can be found here.

A Summary of Events can be found here.

Combined Motions can be found here.


The Minutes of the next ordinary meeting of the Council following the public meeting (23 February, 2022) will record a summary of any submissions received and any decision made at the public meeting.

Letter from the Director Of Local Government, Mr Mathew Healey