Suitably experienced contractors and suppliers are invited to provide submissions for the following Council services:

RFQ 017 Cygnet Structure Plan

A copy of the request for quotation document can be found in below links:

Part 1 – RFQ 017 Cygnet Structure Plan – Preamble

Part 2 – RFQ 017 Cygnet Structure Plan – Specification of the Services

Part 3 – RFQ 017 Cygnet Structure Plan – Conditions of Contract

Please direct any enquiries to Council’s Strategic Planning Unit by emailing with the relevant request for quote number in the subject line.


Neither the lowest, nor any tender, will necessarily be accepted.

Responses must be lodged via Responses submitted by facsimile, hand delivered or by telephone will not be accepted for evaluation.

Submissions must be received by 5:00pm on Monday 27 January 2025.