Hazardous wastes are waste types with the potential to harm humans or the environment if not treated correctly. These waste types must be separated so that they can be handled in a safe and environmentally conscious manner. There are some hazardous waste types that Huon Valley Council is unable to accept. Please see below for more information on our services and exclusions.
Recycle your vehicle and household batteries free of charge. Batteries are unsafe for landfill or any kerbside bin due to fire and environmental risks. Look for designated car and household battery recycling collection points at any Council waste transfer station.
Batteries are full of precious resources including lithium, copper and nickel. These resources are limited and should not be wasted in landfill.
To prevent fires, please place tape over each end of batteries before recycling.
More information and free drop off points can be found at the Battery Stewardship Council’s B Cycle website.

E-waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in Australia. Electronic devices and components require special management at end of life. They can cause fire risks where embedded batteries are present, and contain a range of valuable materials, from copper and aluminium, to silver, gold, and lithium. Help make use of these by safely recycling your e-waste at a special collection point free of charge.
Accepted at all sites:
- Mobile phones
- Cables
- Power tools
Accepted at Southbridge only:
- Computers
- Laptops
- Tablets
- Computer components
Not currently accepted for recycling:
- Screens
- Televisions
- Printers
- Keyboards
- Mice
- Kitchen and household appliances
Where does the e-waste go?
Huon Valley Council has partnered with South Hobart’s Resource Work Cooperative
- Waste engine oil can be an environmental contaminant if not disposed of correctly. Did you know you can recycle oil for use as a fuel source for boilers.
- Separate oil disposal units are available at all waste transfer stations.
- Oil disposal is free for up to 10L of oil, and $1.10 per L over 10L
- You can find out more about the national Product Stewardship for Oil Scheme at the Department of Climate, Energy, the Environment and Water website.
Chemical Containers – drumMUSTER
The Southbridge Waste Transfer Station accepts empty, cleaned, non-returnable agricultural and veterinary chemical containers as part of the drumMUSTER recycling program. There is no charge, and bookings are essential for quantities over 20 containers. Ph 03 62640363.
Not Accepted
Hazardous Waste we Cannot Accept Includes:
- Controlled waste (hazardous waste that has specific controls on the method of disposal and may endanger public health or the environment)
- Asbestos
- Liquid waste, including septic sludge
- Dead animals and biological refuse
- Chemical containers (other than empty Drum Muster recycling program)
- Household or farm chemicals
Asbestos Awareness provides information about asbestos and asbestos disposal.
Builders can make arrangements to transport rubble to McRobies Gully Waste Transfer Station in South Hobart or the Jackson Street Waste Management Centre in Glenorchy.
Agricultural and veterinary chemicals can be recycled through the ChemClear program ph. 1800 008 182.