Yellow sign with bold text RV SITE Closures above a stylized white virus icon at the bottom.

Updated: 27 March 2020

On 25 March, 2020 the Tasmanian State Government announced additional coronavirus management measures.

These measures include further prohibited activities and venues, which include caravan and camping parks:

  • People who are staying at caravan parks in Tasmania, have until 11.59pm Sunday 29 March 2020 to depart.
  • Where people live permanently in caravan parks, campsites or caravans or are staying in caravan parks, campsites or caravans as interim abodes where their primary residence is not available, they may continue to do so.

Huon Valley Council is therefore closing all RV sites on Council-controlled land effective 12:00am Monday 30 March 2020.

Effective immediately, no new campers will be accepted.

All campers (including who live permanently at RV sites) are required to have departed the RV Site by 11:59pm Sunday 29 March 2020.

 The State Government has advised that:

  • Leisure visitors, who are non-Tasmanian residents, are required to leave the state by midnight 29 March 2020 
  • Tasmanian Government is communicating with the Spirit of Tasmania and the airlines to ensure there is sufficient capacity available to provide for current travellers in Tasmania adhering to social distance requirements and the requirement to leave by this date
  • If contacted, RV site operators as well as hotels, hostels, bed and breakfasts, and boarding houses should advise any interstate guests of the requirement to leave the state by midnight Sunday 29 March. (Exceptions apply.) 

Compliance with the closure measures is compulsory under law and non-compliance can lead to the provision of fines. Camping is prohibited on any Council land or roads.

I am a Tasmanian resident living permanently at an RV site on Council-controlled land
You will need to relocate to an alternate RV site. We recommend moving to a legitimate Caravan Park, such as Dover Beachside Caravan Park, Southport Hotel and Caravan Park, the Huon Valley Caravan Park, Cygnet Caravan Park or others in the Channel area, such as Snug Beach Caravan Park. Please contact the site to confirm whether they are staying open and accepting new people to stay.

Tasmanian Government advice
From 11.59 pm Sunday 29 March all commercial accommodation, caravan and camping businesses in Tasmania may only accommodate visitors that fit the following categories:

  • Tasmanian workers
  • Interstate workers deemed as Essential Workers
  • Permanent residents – permanent residents are those who permanently reside in caravan parks, hotels and hostels
  • People that are in a self-isolation period (who must vacate at the end of the 14 day required period)
  • People who have been directed by Government to enter into self-isolation. These people will be allocated to those properties that have been listed by the Tasmanian Department of Communities.

Essential Workers categories may be found on The Secretary of DPIPWE has discretionary powers in considering and approving applications for non-Tasmanian workers.

Caravan parks and Spirit of Tasmania additional capacity
There has been some difficulty for visitors in campervans and motorhomes in particular to organise travel back to the mainland. The Spirit of Tasmania has scheduled additional day sailings for Tuesday 31 March and Wednesday 1 April to assist with getting people home.

This means that the current restriction on caravan parks for visitors to vacate has been extended until 11.59 pm Wednesday 1 April 2020.

What does this mean for people currently staying at these accommodation types in Tasmania?
Accommodation, caravan and camping venues are closed to all visitors except for those who meet the above categories.

Visitors staying in accommodation, other than caravan parks and travelling on the Spirit of Tasmania, have until 11.59 pm Sunday 29 March 2020 to depart Tasmania.

Visitors who are travelling on the Spirit of Tasmania have until Wednesday 1 April 2020 to depart Tasmania.

How can you help your visitors leave by the required date?
Advise your visitors that they need to make bookings now to depart Tasmania by the required date. This is a matter of urgency.

The Tasmanian Government is working with the Spirit of Tasmania and the airlines to ensure capacity is available for interstate and international visitors to leave Tasmania.

If your guests are having trouble getting through to carriers to make or confirm their bookings, please advise them to remain patient. All carriers are working hard to accommodate travellers within the announced restrictions.

More information can be found at or by phoning the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738.