After school care

After school care is available during school terms from 3:00pm-6:00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) in Huonville for children aged Kinder to 12 years.

The program is flexible and meets a diversity of needs. There is a large enclosed play area with an open, interesting indoor area where children can relax, do their homework or take part in activities. Afternoon tea is provided and is included in the fees.

Huonville school children are collected from the Huonville Primary School and the Huonville High School bus park. Children attending other schools in the Huon Valley can also be collected from designated bus stops.

Early morning care

Early morning care is available in Huonville Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays) for children attending Sacred Heart (Geeveston), Franklin, Cygnet, St James, Glen Huon and Huonville schools.

Vacation care

The Vacation Care program offers full day care during public school holidays.

The program operates from 7:30am-6:00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) and bookings can be made for full-day sessions.

A range of organised activities and excursions are offered in each holiday program.

To make a booking enquiry please complete the embedded form below.

Childrens Services Booking Enquiry

Please complete details or phone 03 6264 0333

  • Contact will be made during business hours
  • Please list age of child with their name
      Hold down control key to select multiple days
      • Please list any other question you may have